

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Hedonism- My franken

Hi ladies, here is a franken I made on Monday called Hedonism. I remember going back to Jamaica to visit when I was younger and my father driving pass this resort called Hedonism. Thinking back to the looks on my older brothers' face when my dad told them what it was, it didn't strike my interest much until I got older lol.

When I was thinking about a new franken I wanted something that wasn't completely like me. I am a bright and colorful person so I chose a nude eyeshadow as a pigment. It took a lot to get it like this but I'm well satisfied with it. In this formula it also includes red and white various shaped glitter along with gold fine glitter.

Here is 3 coats of my franken Hedonism

1 comment:

  1. Haha, love the name! And the polish is stunning, the red glitter was a great choice.


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